We’ll give you a moment because that’s quite a headline to process but, yeah, nah, just as it reads – Former White House staffer Monica Lewinsky has issues a public plea to those who live in Sydney’s lower North Shore in an attempt help find the family of an Australian woman who was injured while in New York.

Taking to Twitter, Lewinsky put a call out to her followers to someone, anyone, who may know the children of one Lily Chan, who lives in Middle Cove near Chatswood. Lewinsky explains that the woman had a bad fall in the street while in New York and for one reason or another didn’t want to bother her children with her predicament as is common with parents who don’t want to cause a fuss.

Lewinsky explained Ms Chan has a son, who is currently en route to climb Mt. Fuji and a daughter who residents in NYC and works at Wells Fargo. In the tweet, Lewinsky asks her followers if they know the children, adding “Their mom is ok but had a bad fall on the street. she wouldn’t let any of us call her kids.”

If this feels weird to you, it’s probably because it is a little bit. Many of Lewinsky’s followers have commented that if the Mum didn’t want her children to know of the incident, there may be a very good reason for that.

Even still, Lewinsky has continued with her crusade to locate the children, responding to some of the backlash stating with “[I] appreciate that there are different perspectives here… i have not described the full extent of conversations or behaviours. I made a judgement call based on my 20 min involvement.”

She followed up that tweet explaining that her decision to go public “Might be wrong…But i’d want to know if this were my mom.”

Lewinsky does frequent New York and was known to live there, potentially even still, so it’s not too out there to presume she may have witnessed Ms Chan’s fall in the street, and heard her wishes that her children aren’t to be bothered.

At the time of publish, no one seems to have located any family.

But hey, as a former North Shore resident, I speak for us all when I say we’re just happy to be in the room.

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