Mr. G’s Summer Heights High Singalong will be light on the actual Mr. G, but heavy on laughs.
It seems that not even the allure of Sydney’s most esteemed venue could draw the notoriously picky Mr. G himself – at least for now – but fans of Chris Lilley’s drama teacher/relentless self-promoter will be excited to hear that his life’s work will be celebrated in two shows full of laughter, songs, and dress-ups. Expect lots of blonde wigs, then.
Hosted by triple j’s own Alex Dyson, the performances will incorporate clips from Summer Heights Highalongwith numbers from the life-changingMr. G The Musical.
Of course, though it’s ostensibly a celebration of the character, it will undoubtedly also serve as a reminder of Lilley’s wide variety of talents. Something to tide us over while we wait for the man to get himself back on our television screens.
Mr G’s Summer Heights High Singalong will hit the Sydney Opera House on Friday January 29 and Saturday January 30. Tickets are available from the Opera House website from Friday December 4 onwards.