“To help our customers during this transition period, we’re pleased to help out by offering our customers complimentary reusable plastic bags in those states where single-use plastic bags have been removed for the first time,” Coles chief operating officer Greg Davis said in a statement, fater the widespread outrage at having to either bring your own reusable bags or purchase one for 15c a pop.
This follows a similar policy introduced by Woolies, because baby-adults have been whinging at cashiers as if they personally implemeneted the ban on single-use bags.
The outrage was so expected that the the Retail Union had to actively remind people not to be dicks to cashiers, which didn’t stop one WA Woolies customers from actually strangling a staff member.
“We want to do everything we can to help our customers,” Mr Davis continued, no doubt privatelythinking “for fuck’s sake”.
“For some, it can be difficult to get into the routine of bringing your own bags to the supermarket or know exactly how many you may need for your entire shop.”
“We’ve invested in extra customer service during this period and our team members have provided terrific support.”
Just bring fucking bags – or buy them when you get there. SOLVED.
Here’s why