Some sneaky audience members at the Broadway show Take Me Out captured footage of Grey’s Anatomy star on stage performing nude and leaked it onto social media.

The show has a policy that spectators must stash away their mobiles “out of respect and support for our actors and in order to create a phone-free space”. However, the rule was clearly ignored given that footage of Williams performing in the show is now splashed all over the internet.

Williams hasn’t yet addressed the leak, however, he’s previously disclosed that he was nervous about getting naked on stage.

“I was terrified,” he told Page Six. “but then I noted that that was what I asked God for. I asked to be terrified. I asked to do something that was scary and challenging and made me earn it and made me feel alive and not comfortable.”

And, while Williams hasn’t yet discussed the controversial footage, Twitter users certainly have. #JesseWilliams is currently trending on twitter and the hashtag is accompanied by photos of an, ahem, sizeable package.

Check out some of the most memorable tweets below:

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