With the American election looming and the campaign to eradicate systemic injustice and racism at its pique: Defeat by Tweet is finding a creative way to use Trump’s tweets in an effort to fight back! 

Many of us in Australia are watching the lead up to the 2020 US election with anticipation and a sense of hope that it will bring positive change. So far, it’s kinda like a car crash: tragic and upsetting, but we can’t seem to look away. Whether we like it or not America is sorta the bellwether for Democracies around the world, a self-appointed role they claimed a long time ago.

But this election year is unlike any other in recent memory, 2020 has truly been a runway nightmare. It started with Trump almost causing WWIII (while he faced impeachment hearings…I might add) and brings us to a nation with almost 130,000 Covid-19 deaths. All of this, coupled with widespread protests against racism and injustice as people campaign for change that’s long overdue.

During his fight for another four years in the White House, Donald Trump is doubling down on the lies, the attacks and the spread of hate through his constant Twitter tantrums. This is why Defeat by Tweet, an independent political action committee has begun its campaign to fight hate speech with powerful micro-donations that support Black-led organisations across America.

Trump tweets an average of 900 times per month to over 80m followers, these get amplified further by his supporters and the media. So, Defeat by Tweet is harnessing that reach for positive change. Supporters can signup to donate $0.05 to the Justice Fund every time Donald writes an ad hoc rebuttal or an improvised policy on Twitter.

The premise is simple. It’s a way to defeat, racism, division and misogyny. Tweet by tweet.

In its first month of operation, Defeat by Tweet has raised over half a million US dollars in micro-donations. This money will go to the Electoral Justice Project, the Faith in Action Fund, the Black Voters Matter Fund along with many others organisations working across critical swing states to amplify the voices of marginalised communities.

Unfortunately, American laws require US citizenship or Permanent Residency to sign up for Defeat by Tweet. But, Aussies can still donate directly to many of these organisations or spread the work of Defeat by Tweet on social media in an effort to fight hate speech with social justice.

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