If you find yourself yearning for Melbourne’s public transport amid the 5km radius restrictions, this should help dull the longing.
Melbourne business Melbmart has started flogging face coverings inspired by the gorgeous, sickly interior of Melbourne train and tram seats. It’s the only aesthetic choice chaotic enough to truly encapsulate the times we’re living in.
There face coverings are available to purchase in three bold designs, one features a quip “if you’re reading this you’re standing to close” — which harks back to the glory days of JayJays slogan t-shirts, one featuring that zesty lime green tram pattern, and a cooler, more subdued, train pattern for all you goth kings and queens.
“If it brings a bit of light into people’s days – especially essential workers who are keeping Melbourne running during lockdown – it makes me very happy,” the founder of Melbmart, Simon, shared with Time Out. Incredibly wholesome shit.
Back in July, public transport inspired card game heroes Touched On launched a series of socks inspired by the iconic tram lines. They’re genuinely pretty chic, erring on the side of Argyle with a distinct Yarra twist.
Also, the actual card game Touched On sounds gnarly fun. It is described as a game where “players set off on their journey with the aim of getting rid of all their cards, collecting the most Exp, all while catching out their friends and arriving relatively fine-free.” As all you beautiful Melbourne people are now locked inside, trying desperately to avoid going stir-crazy, perhaps now is the perfect time to invest in a fresh pair of house socks and a card game that’ll have you hanging to fare evade.