To all my Western Sydney graduates that have moved on to life in the big smoke, this weekend is the perfect time to finally make that visit to your parent’s house you’ve been putting off for weeks. The leaders of the fast-food realm, Red Rooster, have announced that they will be giving away free hot chips this weekend.

Hot chip discourse is the bread and butter of the Australian cultural landscape. Every man and his dog has tried their hand at ranking the deep-fried potato batonnet’s of this nation. With listicles aplenty claiming that the shoestring fries of Butter, or the duck fat truncheons at The Morrison are worthy of acclaim. Honestly, fuck all those posh numbers. If you’re a real one you’d recognise that Red Rooster hot chips sit at the very apex of culinary achievement.

No other chip in the business has the ability to invoke such a visceral reaction quite like the humble Red Rooster chip. It ushers in memories of driving around McMansion strewn streets in your friends Toyota Yaris, chain-smoking and listening to blink-182. It is a placeholder of the suburban teenage experience.

Red Rooster will be giving away regular portions of their sanctified chip all day on February 29th. To cop a piping hot serving of deliciously seasoned nostalgia you merely need to rock up at the store. No coupon or purchase necessary.

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