Experimental arts organisation Performance Space and media art renegades Pvi Collective have partnered with the City of Sydney to present Blackmarket, a participatory work that takes place in the streets of Sydney.

Blackmarket resembles a video game, but make no mistake – it’s real life. The work is an urban role-playing game. In the fictional world particpants are a part of, there is a global financial crisis. Players, or hustlers, are forced to trade their possessions in a black market economy in order to survive the night.

Players are set loose in the city, peddling their wares and meeting with shadowy figures down dark alleyways, all in an attempt to equip themselves with skills for the uncertain future.

Part game, part social experiment, Blackmarket is an immersive work that will have you exploring the true value of your possessions.

blackmarket will take place over four nights from Wednesday May 27 – Saturday June 6. For more information check out Performance Space’s website.

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