Sam Neill, Jurassic Park actor, has issued a warning to his fans on Instagram to beware of romance scams using his name.
Sam Neill has apparently realized that scammers who impersonate celebrities, and all manners of people, exist on the internet. A number of accounts imitating his likeness and image can be found on Instagram and apparently, they are scamming his followers.
The Jurassic Park actor’s assistant shared a post to Instagram on Thursday to warn Neill’s followers to avoid such scams. It’s seeming more and more like everyone in this situation is either over 70 or is completely unaware of basic dangers of the internet.
Here is Sam’s message:
“Hello! I’m Lauren – Sam’s assistant. 👋
Sam has asked me to post on here to share with his followers an idea of the number of fake Sam Neill accounts out there on Instagram. The ONLY real Sam Neill account is this one — with the blue verified tick (circled in the image),” the post began.
“Sam will never contact you on social media from an unverified account. ‼️ That’ll be a scammer‼️ He will never write to you to ask you to continue the conversation on another platform (WhatsApp/Telegram/Hangouts etc). ‼️S.C.A.M.M.E.R.‼️”
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“Sam will never use social media to ask you for bitcoin, money to get out of a foreign jail or for you to send a Western Union transfer to attend a private event with him. ‼️Definitely a scammer‼️”
“He won’t be trying to send you a diamond ring from Sri Lanka (that you then need to pay customs fees for) ‼️That scammer is at it again‼️
“Sam doesn’t have a private account he keeps secret from his social media team, so he can to speak directly to followers ‼️Scammer at work here‼️”
“He definitely isn’t having an online romantic relationship with you. ‼️That’s the trash bag scammer wasting your time, potentially breaking your heart and disappearing with your money ‼️”
“Their sole purpose is exploiting people’s weaknesses and lonely hearts.”
“Thank you to all of you out there commenting on photos and enjoying Sam’s content,” the post finished.
“He often reads your comments and loves the engagement (but he’s definitely not following that up with a personal hello from a random fan page where he spells his own name incorrectly ‼️SCAMMER ALERT‼️).
“Please continue to report the fake accounts that contact you; it helps a lot and will continue to make Instagram a safer place for everyone.”