So, Samuel L. Jackson briefly forgot Twitter likes are public and ended up liking some porn videos. NBD, happens to everyone, right? 

Ah, technology. Gets us all at the worst times, right? Well, it got Samuel L. Jackson too. While Elon Musk may have turned a lot of Twitter into a dumpster fire, he hasn’t messed with the public like feature – apparently, that slipped Jackson’s mind. The star, who celebrated his 74th birthday recently, raised some eyebrows when he liked some porn videos on Twitter. 

Jackson’s string of likes sent a wave of shock among his fans, who were quick to remind him that his likes are viewable by all. By the time he unliked them, plenty of screenshots had started circling around. 

Still, Twitter did a double take when people saw what had happened. One fan summed it up, saying: “What the hell is going on Samuel L. Jackson’s likes?”

Okay, to be fair, we’re all guilty of watching explicit content at some point or accidentally liking an old picture on a crush’s account, but has no one ever told Samuel L. Jackson about a private Twitter account? 

At his age, however, its possible Jackson simply doesn’t give a shit. According to an interview earlier this year, the man doesn’t even care about winning an Oscar anymore

“As jaded as I wanted to be about it, you know thinking, ‘Well, I should have won an Oscar for this or should have won for that and it didn’t happen,’ once I got over it many years ago, it wasn’t a big deal for me.” Jackson told LA Times, adding that recently, he’d only attended for the fun. 

He also measures his roles on the same scale: “I was never going to let the Oscars be a measure of my success or failure as an actor. My yardstick of success is my happiness: Am I satisfied with what I’m doing? I’m not doing statue-chasing movies. You know [whispers]: ‘If you do this movie, you’ll win an Oscar.’ No, thanks.” 

Apparently, some fans get it. “Samuel L. Jackson is 74 years old. Rest assured that if I make it to 74 I will have zero shame about anything that brings me joy. Let that man have his likes lmao,” one fan said. 

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