The organisers of Sculpture by the Sea have threatened to move their annual showcase from Bondi amid a heated dispute with Waverly Council.
The council is in the midst of laying a concrete path around the perimeter of Marks Park of Bondi Beach, to make the site more accessible for those with disabilities.
The exhibition’s founding director, David Handley, believes that making the location accessible to everyone would be detrimental to the show. Which is, quite frankly, the biggest load of wank I’ve ever had the misfortune of reading.
“Waverley Council’s decision is devastating for Sculpture by the Sea and destroys Marks Park as a window to the world for the hundreds of thousands of people that come to see the artworks set against the iconic backdrop every spring,” Handley told SMH.
“If they build this path as it’s currently planned, we don’t see how Sculpture by the Sea can happen next year.
“It will rip the guts out of this show if the path goes ahead.”
Handley claims that the park’s renovations would “no longer offer the pristine backdrop required” for the exhibition.
Waverley Council’s general manager, Ross McLeod, has stressed that a path built to benefit those with mobility problems all year-round should not be cause for the event to relocate.
“Council’s view is that services for people with disabilities outweighs some inconvenience and potential aesthetic impact over a small portion of the Sculpture by the Sea event which will still be free to use the park,” McLeod shared.
We don’t quite understand how David Handley lacks the complete self-awareness to recognise that kicking up a stink about a path designed to make a community space more accessible to everyone because it compromises his artistic vision makes him look like a complete and utter whiny pissbaby.