A sex toy treasure hunt is taking place in Melbourne next week, and lucky hunters will be able to get their hands on free vibrators, air suction toys, butt plugs and more.

The event is being held by sex toy company Posmo and will see 17 toys, 1 gift card and over 7 gift bundles scattered around the Victorian capital.

The hunt will start at 10am on Wednesday, December 21st and take place at seven public areas in Melbourne. The sex toys will be wrapped discretely, and clues to their whereabouts will be posted on the Posmo Instagram account. Followers who share the treasure hunt post to their Instagram will be added to Posmo’s close friend stories and will be able to view extra hints.

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According to Posmo’s IG “in each post, people will be shown a little snippet of where the toy is, along with the suburb it’s in. The post will go up on their Instagram stories.

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“People will have to guess where the toy is, and make their way to the location to grab it. The first person to find it wins. The toys will be packaged discreetly so people can feel free to hunt each gift down without the worry of looking like a crazy person holding a sex toy on the street (we back this if it ever happens though).”

Posmo founder and sexologist Laura Miano added: “we are also giving away extra hints! For anyone who reshares the ‘treasure hunt‘ post we published on Instagram on Wednesday the 14th, we will add them to our close friends’ list where they will get an extra hint.”

The sex toy company has announced that the hidden toys include vibrators, air suction toys, butt plugs, nipple clamps, cock rings, penis strokers, lubes and more, as well as gift packs containing more than one sex toy.

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