Over four hours of live music will be played at the Soda Factory next Wednesday to raise funds for victims of the Nepal earthquakes.

Over 20 of Sydney’s best artists and musicians will be coming together for ’90s For Nepal, including Darryl Beaton, Mr Wilson, Amali Ward and Jeremy Gregory. The Soda Factory will be donating a gold coin from every food or drink purchase of the evening, and customers are invited to donate freely to this special cause. They’ll even be serving up a Nepalese-inspired gourmet hot dog for the occasion.

All donations will be given to the Nepal Red Cross Society to help them with their invaluable work during the fallout of this natural disaster, which has left much of Nepal in a state of crisis.

Covers for a Cause: 90’s for Nepal will be taking place at the Soda Factory on Wednesday May 20.

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