If the internet has taught the world anything, it’s that the addition of cats improves every single human endeavour.
Space Cats, an ‘intergalactic feline musical’ from the theatrical troublemakers behindVampire Lesbians Of Sodom, is set to be performed as part of the 2016 Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras season.
A suitably bizarre tale of a stranded astronaut who must integrate himself into a society made up of the astral felines of the title, the work combines raucous comedy, strange tunes and the snappiest dialogue “this side of Uranus”. At the very least, it’s going to be a memorable show, so kitty lovers and theatre fans alike should get on tickets.
Space Cats hits the Old 505 Theatre on Tuesday March 1 – Sunday March 12. More information is available from the website, here.