1.Your Profile
One of us is a tattoo artist, two of us have girthy fingers, one will serenade you like you deserve to be and one of us aspires to be a Calvin Klein underwear model. We only look for fans who are willing to be in a dark room with us to discover who’s who.
2.Keeping Busy
FL:We as a band have been constantly busy since last year. Last year was all spent writing and recording for our debut EP. Once we finished that, we jumped straight back in and started writing and recording new tracks. At the same time we’ve been hitting the rehearsal studio hard to get ourselves gig ready for all our upcoming shows.
3.Best Gig Ever
FL: A standout show for us would have been when we played an afterparty for the Lost Angels to a ridiculously packed-out room at the Slyfox. What makes it further more memorable is that John Corabi (The Dead Daisies/Mötley Crue) and Eric Dover (Slash’s Snakepit) came up to us after the show and gave their tick of approval. Our worst gig was when we played at a New Year’s event to three people at Penrith, including a guy with an eyepatch who came onstage and slurred his way through ‘Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door’. After that we all drove home listening to the countdown on our radios.
4.Current Playlist
VM: I’ve been in an extremely ‘90s vibe lately so a lot of Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, Rage Against The Machine and Stone Temple Pilots, but as for the whole band, since we all have quite different listening palettes I think the few we’d all agree on would be Audioslave, Guns N’ Roses, Avenged Sevenfold and Alter Bridge. As for gigs that have inspired us, a few of us saw Chris Cornell at the Opera House doing his acoustic set. It was quite surreal, almost a godlike aura.
5.Your Ultimate Rider
VM: Our ultimate rider would be a carton of Benson & Hedges Smooth, one bottle of Death Sauce and one kilogram of pepper.
Bad Moon Born play the Annandale Hotel on Saturday April 23, with Red Gazelle, Black Heart Breakers; then Frankie’s Pizza on Saturday May 7; and The Red Rattler on Wednesday May 11. Bad Moon Born headline Miss Ink Australia 2016 at Max Watt’s on Saturday April 30.