This one is for all my bitches who justify poor decision by blaming mercury’s retrograde. Spotify has just rolled out a series of twelve playlists, specifically tailored to your star sign. As if the daily notifications from Co-Star weren’t enough — it’s 2019 baby, we’re shirking all responsibility and playing the blame game with Neptune.
The ‘Cosmic Playlists’ are curated by celebrity astrologer Chani Nicolas, and each playlist comes with a reading based on your star sign. Each playlist features tracks that mirror your reading.
“It’s a monthly horoscope in music form. You can use them for inspiration, reflection, or for your own personal dance party,” Chani explains.
“When a song resonates with you, it might feel really personal, like it’s speaking about your own experience. But it’s also speaking to a huge, broad audience.
When there’s something collectively going on where a song resonates for a lot of people, it’s the same way that a horoscope will speak to the archetypal themes of the moment.”
It’s literally the best thing ever. Nothing really has ever filled me with more hope than checking my Spotify astrological reading and being met with Megan Thee Stallion’s ‘Hot Girl Summer’. If this reading is at all prophetic of what I can expect from September, sign me up, baby.
To find your playlist and reading, you just gotta search your sign in the app. Truly magnificent stuff. Or you can click on one of the links I’ve so generously supplied you with below.