BP knows how much of a pain in the butt it is to leave the comfort of your car to pay for petrol, especially if you have a backseat filled with restless kids, a pet or three, or simply a gruelling school/soccer/other school/home schedule.
Luckily now — as the old adage goes — there’s an app for that!
BPme allows customers to pay for petrol using their smartphone without getting out of the car, which is perfect for parents who don’t wanna juggle toddlers and babies while attempting to walk into a servo. It can also direct you to the nearest BP, check your odometer, and store your receipts/purchase history for tax time.
It’s free, simple to use and will prevent your kids from jumping into the front seat and testing out the handbrake while you’re inside paying for petrol and Powerade.
Download the app here or find out more about the nifty features here.