Our thoughts on one of 2021’s biggest Switch games: Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury, Persona 5 Strikers and Little Nightmares II.

Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury (Switch)

The Nintendo Switch is no stranger to Wii U ports, so the decision to re-release Super Mario 3D World surprised nobody. What did raise a few eyebrows, however, was the inclusion of Bowsers Fury.

This bonus content is way more substantial than we first thought – throwing you into a larger hub world with a bevy of islands to explore. Each one has its own unique challenge and is packed to the brim with Nintendo charm.

But every so often the sky opens up, rain starts to fall and Bowser appears. His mission: make your life a living hell. The big guy is pretty good at it, too, as you must contend with his fire attacks or a barrage of dropping blocks.

It’s an interesting mechanic that always adds a bit of tension to your adventure, especially when it comes during an incredibly inconvenient time. It’s also a great time to grab more collectibles that can only be reached by manipulating Bowser’s moves.

We’re not convinced Bowser’s Fury will be the foundation of Mario’s next major adventure, but it’s Nintendo at its most experimental. We can’t wait to see what’s next.

Outside of that, the core Super Mario 3D World offering remains a polished delight. Link up with a bunch of mates for its multiplayer portion and you’ll have an even better time – albeit one with a few more arguments.

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Oh, and have we mentioned that you get to don Mario in a cat suit yet? The outfit allows for longer jumps, lets you scamper up walls and is just all around adorable. It’s the absolute best and if there is no mention of it in the upcoming Mario movie, we’re going to have some words.

Also out:

Little Nightmares II (Switch, PS4, XBO, PC)

When the first Little Nightmares came out in 2017, it was a surprise gem that built a loyal following. It focused on trying to escape The Maw – a ‘vast, mysterious vessel inhabited by corrupted souls looking for their next meal.’ Truly light-hearted stuff.

This follow-up though, is truly exceptional and strengthens the first game’s foundations in almost every way. There’s more lore to take in, better sound to immerse you and visuals that will just creep you the hell out. The core gameplay loop of puzzle solving and stealthing remains intact as well, with some quality of life improvements added to help sweeten the deal.

We’ll stop talking, just go and check this one out.

Persona 5 Strikers (Switch, PS4, PC)

We’re not entirely sure why, but the hack-and-slash stylings of games like Dynasty Warriors (commonly known as Musou games) are all the rage at the moment. Last year we had Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity and now there’s Persona 5 Strikers.

Set six months after the events of Persona 5, Strikers is a naturally an entirely different beast. Real-time action is the name of the game – doing away with Persona’s typical turn-based approach. As a result battles are a chaotic dance of combos and specials as you do away with waves of foes but it all remains consistently engaging. Without ruining too much of the spectacle, the game also weaves core elements of Persona’s lineage in smart and interesting ways.

Be warned though, if you haven’t yet played Persona 5 you will quickly find yourself confused. So this is definitely one for Persona 5 fans or serious Musou lovers.

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