Legendary American avant-garde composer Rhys Chatham is heading to Sydney Festival in January to perform A Crimson Grail, a piece he wrote for 100 guitarists.

Because space on the plane was tight, and luggage allowances are a bitch, Chatham is planning to grab 100 Sydney-based guitarists and bassists to perform the piece.

This is where you come in. Sydney Festival is recruiting “guitarists and bassists of all styles, skills and ages to volunteer to perform.” That’s you! Maybe…

You need basic music-reading skills (or an ability to blag basic music-reading skills) and your own guitar and amp. You’ll also need to be able to commit to three evenings of rehearsal – 9, 10, 11 of January – as well as two full days for the performances, on 12 and 13 January.

If this all sounds like fun, head here before November 8 to apply. You will be contacted by or before 15 November if you are accepted.


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