The City of Sydney is inviting established and amateur photographers across the country to take part in one of its biggest competitions.
Capturing the big picture, Australian Lifeshowcases images of Australia in all its forms, with finalists’ images blown up into giant portraits for an outdoor exhibition in Hyde Park.
With 20 finalists selected by a panel of judges, the annual exhibition offers one of the biggest cash prizes in competitions of this kind, withthe winner of the $10,000 prize announced at the exhibition’s opening in September. Last year, Michaela Skovranova won the $10,000 prize for her image, Ocean Lovers(above).
Lord Mayor Clover Moore says the competition provides an insight into the lives of people from across the nation, showcasing Australia as a country that offers many varied and unique experiences.
The Australian Life competition opens on Friday June 17 and closes on Friday July 29. Find out more info and enter here.