NSW Public Transport recently ran a ‘Name Your Ferry’ competition, which they were no doubt hoping would inspire a similar level of excitement and meme-worthiness as the similar U.K. competition.
Much like the British comp, which resulted in a boat being named Boaty McBoatface, the winning votes were supremely stupid.
The new ferry will be named Fery McFerryface, which was actually the second most voted for. The winner? Boaty McBoatface. The same name the British chose.
Originally is overrated, it would seem.
Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Andrew Constance explained the decision to ABC.
“Given Boaty was already taken by another vessel, we’ve gone with the next most popular name nominated by Sydneysiders,” Mr Constance said, no doubt using the word ‘vessel’ in an attempt to add nobility to what is a ridiculous situation.
“Ferry McFerryface will be the harbour’s newest icon, and I hope it brings a smile to the faces of visitors and locals alike.”
Over 15,000 names were suggested, but silliness prevailed in the end. Bravo, Sydney!