As alleged by some former contestants, The Bachelor production team tried to pay them ‘bonuses’ to not dish about the show.
With a show as huge as The Bachelor, it’s understandable that producers wouldn’t want set secrets (or scandals) making their way to the media – but The Bachelor producers had a funny way of ensuring that contestants did not breach contracts.
According to So Dramatic!, producers on the dating show offered contestants $5k as ‘hush money’ to ensure their silence on behind-the-scenes drama and scandals. A failed endeavour, really – since we’ve heard plenty straight from the horses’ mouths. That didn’t, however, deter the production team from dangling the bonus over everyone’s heads.
“One girl has already lost her bonus and there’re a few other girls who are already possibly going to lose theirs and the show hasn’t even started airing,” said an alleged contestant to So Dramatic!
“We all got a massive email from the head producer a few weeks ago, saying there has been a contract breach and someone has leaked stuff to the media.” they said, before adding that the producers ‘threatened’ all contestants with losing their bonus because of one loose-lipped contestant.
Contract breaches apparently did not apply just to media appearances – according to the insider, one of the contestants might stand to lose her bonus for sharing her experience on the show with a friend at a private brunch.
“It somehow got back to the producers and she got into massive shit. None of us think she will get her bonus because of that one incident. They are so strict.” the insider alleged.
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The production team on The Bachelor has been keeping contestants on a tight leash this time around. Recently, Jessica Tomlinson found herself on the short end of the stick after Channel 10 decided to edit most of her parts out of the show – her crime? An unauthorised appearance on competing show MAFS, where she ended up becoming involved in the series’ ‘biggest ever scandal’.
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