A teaser for The Bad Batch Season 2 has recently been uncovered in a magazine that hints at a crossover with Boba Fett.
A recent post on Twitter showed an excerpt from a Hollywood Spotlight magazine that contained some very interesting details about The Bad Batch Season 2.
“I found some bad batch news! Season 2 prediction!
Found this on the Hollywood spotlight magazine. Release date of the bad batch is vague to say the least but I’m still so excited!!!”
The passage itself talks about where the series is heading going into the second season and how the different factions of clone troopers react to an ever-changing post Order 66 world where the Empire wields its power in a much different manner than the Republic of old.
Towards the end, the passage even offers a teaser that the Bad Batch crossing over with their half-brother, Boba Fett, could be a possibility in the future.
“…Kali) and a younger version of Rebels’ Hera Syndulla (Vanessa Marshall). But by the season’s end, so much has changed. The Empire is phasing out the clones and has destroyed the cloning facility on Kamino.
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“The ramifications of this attack and what the Empire has done, and what it means for the Bad Batch and for the clones, is something we’re going to continue with,” Corbett said of Season 2. There are other clones out there-some resisting the Empire, and some agreeing with the ways it wields power.
The Kaminoan Nala Se is now at an Imperial lab that is likely to be the site of some iffy science. And Boba Fett-the clones’ genetic brother-has his own live-action series.
Maybe their paths will cross, and maybe they won’t; the masterminds at Star Wars central are keeping the upcoming season’s details secret. But we won’t have to wait too long to see what’s in store for Clone Force 99, as Season 2 of The Bad Batch is expected later this year.”
Umm hello very vague TBB S2 crumbs???? pic.twitter.com/GZspW7PxWs
— PERRY * ERALESS (@huntersredscarf) April 14, 2022