The Project landed itself in hot water after guest Reuben Kaye made a controversial joke about Jesus and The Block star Omar has joined a campaign to cancel the show as a result.
Kaye, known for his raunchy humour, made the off-colour comment while discussing the hate he receives on social media due to his sexuality.
“I love Jesus, I love any man who can get nailed for three days straight and come back for more,” Kaye quipped in the segement.
Co-hosts Sarah Harris and Kate Langbroek found the joke amusing, but Waleed Aly looked shocked.
The incident has since prompted calls on social media to cancel the show with hashtags #CancelTheProject and #BoycottTheProject popping up on Twitter.
On Wednesday night’s broadcast, Aly and Harris issued an on-air apology to viewers for the inappropriate comment.
“During an interview last night, our guest told a joke which we know was deeply and needlessly offensive to many of you,” he said. “We want to acknowledge the particular offence and hurt that that caused our Muslim, but especially our Christian viewers. Obviously, I understand just how profound that offence was,” Aly said.
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Sarah added: “Live TV is unpredictable and when this happened in the last few moments of last night’s show, it genuinely took us all by surprise and there wasn’t a lot of time to react in any sort of considered way.”
However, some people are skeptical of the apology, with Omar, who won The Block 2022 alongside Oz, is one of the many people calling out the show over the remark.
He shared a screenshot of Harris and Aly’s apology on Instagram with the caption: “She was p*ssing herself laughing and now wants to apologise”. He then shared a second screenshot of Kaye’s segement and wrote: “Trash TV. Trash show”.
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