I am of the firm belief that there is ZERO benefit in corporations having either a Facebook page or a Twitter account, as the very best they can hope for is somebody complaining that their cheeseburger was too hot, or the pickle wasn’t centered.

Take this mess over at the Cadbury page for example.

Please note that the word ‘Easter’ is still sprayed across most of their products.

Or these, in which Cadbury actually feel the need to apologise for the fact that taste-buds aren’t universal.

But some good news did come from the Facebook page, in the form of the death of the Easter Bilby: a ridiculous notion introduced by manufacturers in order to Aussie up Easter, ‘cos Jesus is just too damn middle-Eastern for ‘straya, despite mostly being depicted as a white dude with flowing blonde locks who can shred the ocean on command. Basically, a Heath Ledger type.

Anyway, a furious customer named Kelly wondered where the seasonal treat was, and Cadbury delivered the following bombshell:

“Unfortunately the Cadbury Easter Bilby will no longer be available to consumers, due to a significant decline in demand. While the Cadbury Easter Bilby will no longer be manufactured, a number of new, exciting products will be available for consumers this Easter and we’re sure you’ll love them as much as we do.”



So, Kelly, this is on you. Australia stopped caring about the bilby, and so the bilby became extinct. At least the real bilby is still thriving in parts of Australia, and by “thriving” I mean, dangerously close to extinction.

It’s not very delicious though…

Bilbys aren’t just for Easter time.

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