Eight visiting Cameroon athletes — one third of their entire team — fled the Commonwealth Games in Brisbane a few weeks ago, leaving in “three waves” over three consecutive nights.
The Cameroon team’s press attaché Simon Molombe told news.com.au at the time: “They just left in the night. When we got up in the morning, they were not there. It’s very, very disappointing and very, very embarrassing for Cameroon,” adding he “doesn’t think they’ll come back.”
Now they have surfaced in Sydney, and according to the Daily Telegraph, are working with the Refugee Advice and Casework Service in Randwick.
The athletes have until midnight, when their visas run out. They face deportation or detention, although lawyers at the centre are working to submit a new visa application, which will extend the deadline.
Good luck.
The official press release
Statement from team Cameroon on eight missing athletes. #GC2018 https://t.co/N9Tm6a6hyV via @newscomauHQ pic.twitter.com/5VkJDevtbE
— Matt Young (@MattYoung) April 11, 2018