We’re 35 episodes into season nine of MAFS. When you think about that in terms of outfits – that’s a whole lot of clothes that the participants have paraded around for Australia to see.

But, apparently, the stars don’t receive much compensation to cover the clothes they wear on the show. Liam Cooper, who was on MAFS in 2019, has told So Dramatic podcast that participants only received a $150 budget and had to pay for all of their own clothes for the rest of the season, including their hair and makeup.

Furthermore, Cooper told the podcast that he was even told what colour he had to wear for the final vows ceremony.

“I wish they gave us a clothes rack and let us go to town,” Cooper said. “They kind of told you what colours to wear. The entire time I wanted to always wear a navy blue suit. I thrive in that colour. They were like, ‘nup, you can’t wear it! You can’t wear it’ They wanted me to wear a white, cream suit.”

The podcast also asked Bec Zemek, who appeared on the show last year, the same question. Zemek was given a slightly higher budget than Cooper.

“It’s $500 for the wedding and $200 for the Final Vows,” Beck revealed to So Dramatic! exclusively.

“Most people gave out dresses for free or for just $500 because they knew that it was going to go on TV. Mine was a $3000 dress,” she said.

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Bec went on to drop a major bombshell, sharing that she worked out a deal with producers to get “whatever she wanted” clothing-wise, in order for her to agree to stay for the final vows.

“Because that was the agreement for me staying for Final Vows.”

While most participants’ clothing budgets are next to nothing, it’s been widely reported that they receive $150 a day in compensation for being on the show.

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