Old mate Tom Delonge always has something to say whenever his old band mates are in the news, and it’s through that lens we view the next story: Hot off the heels of Blink 182 announcing their new album NINE, Tom Delonge has come in with an announcement of his own, that his UFO research organisation, To The Stars Academy, has obtained precious and baffling metamaterials which they claim are simply not of this world.
Posting to Instagram, the materials are said to have been sourced from “an advanced aerospace vehicle of unknown origin.” On account of it’s chemical structure and composition, these materials appear to defy the laws of nature, at least on Earth anyway. “These materials are not from any known existing military or commercial application” the academy goes on to explain.
Steve Justice, current COO of To The Stars Academy and former head of Advanced Systems at Lockheed Martin’s “Skunk Works is on the front foot with the announcement, confirming that despite the materials coming with a detailed and verified ‘chain of custody’, TTSA will be conducting their own research to find out what they’re working with.
“The manufacturing technology required to fabricate the material is only now becoming available, but the material has been in documented possession since the mid-1990’s” Says Justice of the meta-materials.
The end game is to prove what the materials are, and what they can be used for. From there TTSA are optimistic it can be repurposed from being used in advanced aerospace vehicles of unknown origin to military or everyday civilian. usage.
So, what are we to make of this? Well, both posts are pushing people towards investing in the academy. In fact, the #Invest is used multiple times. The ‘link in the bio’ to more information leads back to a page funnelling you to also invest in the academy. In fact, if anyone can find a single mention to the metamaterials on the official website, please, let us know, we geniunely couldn’t find anything on the website that wasn’t trying to take our money.
We know that Tom Delonge pockets a cool $100,000 contractually each year from the company regardless of how much money it makes. This does make TTSA feel like a very complicated and elaborate merch marketing machine that’s using our imagination and affection of the unknown to take our money.
But what sounds the death knell the most is the straight up lack of details or specifics. What are the dimensions of the metamaterials? What is it about their structure and composition that make them so special? What could it even be used for? And does it have a name? Or has it been sitting in storage, a rock from another planet, since the 90s without someone even naming it?
We’re dealing with rocks (“Minerals, dammit”) and these are the questions that rock people will want to know. Without answers to the questions, there really isn’t too much to get excited about…
Other than the new Blink 182 album, of course.