triple j’s annual, all-ages shindig – the One Night Stand – will be held in Mildura on Saturday May 17, bringing with it a bunch of great Aussie acts.
Mildura will play host to one of the best and most innovative live music events around at the moment, and will see the likes of Illy, RUFUS, Dan Sultan, Violent Soho and the Jungle Giants in town for one night only.
triple j has also announced that one triple j Unearthed act from Mildura will get a spot on the ONS bill for 2014.
Drive presenter, Lindsay ‘The Doctor’ McDougall, is excited to back up last year’s One Night Stand in Dubbo with something epic in 2014, set on the banks of the Murray River. “The best thing about the One Night Stand is that we get to see some of the most interesting and beautiful parts of Australia, the places that our listeners call us from and tell us about their lives. We get to go there and see them and share their town with the country. Oh, and bring some sweet music with triple j’s One Night Stand!”
triple j’s One Night Stand is happening on Saturday May 17, atThe Nowingi Place, Mildura. Scheduled to play areIlly, RUFUS,Dan Sultan, Violent Soho and The Jungle Giants. It’s a free event.