Miles Morales What If…? Thor issue has recently come under fire for its use of stereotypes and for who wrote the story.

Marvel’s Miles Morales What If…? Thor issue is taking heat from fans and writers alike for its use of stereotypes within its pages. Screenshots have been shared in which Asgard is presented as a ghetto and Miles Morales uses aave in a way that feels unnatural and awkward.

“miles morales as urban™ thor makes me want comics etc to go back to being outwardly racist”

One of the biggest reasons that people are finding issue with the comic is the fact that it is the only book from the Miles Morales What If…? series that is not written by a black author. The issue was written by Yehudi Mercado.

“There are reasons why black people keep asking for black characters to be written by black writers and drawn by black artists.

That Miles Morales as Thor comic is legit one of those reasons.”

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Of all the internet critics, comic book creator, Kevin Grevioux, was perhaps the most critical of the new character. He wrote on Facebook:

“STRAIGHT OUTTA AZGARD!!: “THOMEBOY”?? REALLY?? Beta Ray Bill, an ALIEN, got a better hook-up than brother Miles! And a new hammer to boot!! Blonde flattop fade, graffiti on the hammer, speaking Asgardian ebonics? Wearing Air-Valhalla Nikes while he BOPS down the Bifrost? Is this how they see us? I’m surprised he’s not palming a BASKETBALL with his other hand and going for that 360 from the top of the key “thunder-dunk”. Now, I’m not one that believes that all Black characters should be written by Black creators. After all, very FEW of the Black characters that we know and love like Black Panther, Blade, Black Lightning, Cyborg, Falcon, Luke Cage, Storm, Mr. Teriffic, John Stewart, etc., were created by Black creators. Because, if so, then we would have to logically concede that we shouldn’t be the regular writers on the MAIN Iron Man, Wonder Woman, Flash, Batman, Thor, JSA, JLA, Spider-Man, Avengers, Fantastic Four, Daredevil, and Superman books, etc. (and we haven’t in 80 years of comics). But is this what happens when we’re not in the room and part of the decision-making process when it comes to creating our own images? Are we that unwanted? And when we do create our own images, do they try to keep us away from them after conception so they can insert their own views about who they want us to be? And how they want us to be perceived? Does this topic really have to be that difficult? I think they sincerely want diversity. They just don’t want diversity from US.”

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