Ash Hansen, former frontman of Rumanastone and better known to many on the music scene by his final stage moniker Like Wires, passed away late last year of a virulent melanoma.

At the time of his passing, Hansen had an album recorded and partially mixed. Close friend and colleague Millie Millgate of Sounds Australia made a promise to Hansen that she would ensure the release of his last collection of solo songs.

True to Millgate’s word, Like Wires’ collectionTransmissionis now ready for release.

Friends, family and colleagues of Hansen’s have worked together to honour his memory, and have launched a PledgeMusic campaign in Like Wires’ name to fund the manufacture and shipping of the album, with profits going towards Support Act. Support Act is a charity which provides a safety net for musicians facing hardship as a result of illness, injury or other crises. A number of other items have also been made available for sale, including Hansen’s instruments, pedals, amps, handwritten lyrics and past releases, with all profits going to the cause.

The launch of the campaign will be celebrated with the release of ‘Satellite’. The song is sweet and mysterious, and a beautiful taste of Like Wires’ final collection. Pledgers will receive a digital download of the track ahead of the full album.

To get behind the release of Like Wires’ final album, you can pledge here.

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