Since it’s debut Alvin & The Chipmunks has been a pop culture icon that we love to hate and will always be weirdly nostalgic.
Although they have come and gone since first hitting the screens in 1958, the singing trio will never be forgotten for their quite high pitched covers of popular songs. And now they have been reimagined with an entire 78 minutes of pitch-corrected The Chipmunk Adventure cartoon movie.
This is not the first time that someone has tried to make the voices appear more human and less like someone on helium. But so far none have gone as far as NerdRush who has pitch-corrected the entire Alvin & The Chipmunks: The Chipmunk Adventure movie from 1987 on YouTube.
They captioned the over one hour long movie with “I can’t believe I did this,” and neither can we because we never thought there would be a time that you could hate those chipmunk’s voices more than when they were screechy. But we were wrong.
It is quite the monumental feat considering the length of the movie and the dedication it would have taken. Also considering listening to it once is definitely enough times NerdRush probably deserves a pat on the back if he had to go back and listen to it time and time again to get it just right.
We’ll just say that the experience is something that can’t really be described so you’ll have to check it out yourself and let us know if you prefer the original or this pitch-corrected version.
And in case you have forgotten what the originals were like or want a trip down a nostalgic memory lane Netflix has multiple Alvin and The Chipmunk movies for you to indulge on.
Check out the pitch-corrected version of the entire Alvin & The Chipmunks: The Chipmunk Adventure movie: