After almost two years, Australian Prime minister Scott Morrison has announced that borders are opening and tourists will be able to enter Australia again, as long as they’re double vaccinated.

The nation closed its borders to non-residents back in February 2020, at the beginning of the COVID pandemic. Today, during a meeting today with the federal national security committee, ScoMo has revealed that as of February 21st, 2022, vaccinated tourists can enter the country.

“It’s almost two years since we took the decision to close the borders to Australia,” he said.

“The condition is you must be double vaccinated to come to Australia. That’s the rule. Everyone is expected to abide by it.

“But if you’re double vaccinated, we look forward to welcoming you back to Australia and I know the tourism industry will be looking forward to that.”

It comes as welcome news to those who have been separated from their loved ones for years, due to their nationality or residence. At present, non-residents can apply for an exemption to enter Australia under compassionate and compelling reasons. However, this requirement will be removed in a matter of weeks for those double vaxxed.

Unvaccinated tourists will still need to apply for an exemption in order to enter Australia. The country’s strict rules regarding the entry of unvaccinated tourists was demonstrated when Tennis Player Novak Djokovic had his visa revoked earlier this year.

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“Your visa is one thing but your entry into Australia requires you also to be double vaccinated,” Mr Morrison said.

“I think events earlier in the year should have sent a very clear message to everyone around the world that is the requirement to enter into Australia.”

However, while tourists will be able to enter much of Australia, they won’t be able to head over west without a valid exemption. Western Australia has a strict border rule in place, requiring an exemption and hotel quarantine time for those wanting to enter the state – even people who are originally from WA.

There is currently officially no date in place of when the state will open its borders, but an estimated date has been calculated.

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