Side Show, the musical that pays homage to the conjoined twins Daisy and Violet Hilton, is set to bring its deeply touching and ambitious production to Sydney through the vision and hard work of the Hayes Theatre Co.
Side Show is a sweeping tale of the real-life rise of conjoined twins Daisy and Violet Hilton, from ‘circus freaks’ to megastars.
The twins started out in the grim world of the early 20th century and its cultural obsession with circus freaks. From their dark beginning, the twins remarkably rose in success and accolades to become the highest paid performers in vaudeville in the early 1930s.
Side Showexplores the intricate and rare connection these two sisters had, from their fervent desire to find true love, battle oppression and find freedom. It is a tale of devotion and resilience that’ll be sure to have more than one member of the audience dabbing their eyes.
Side Show plays at Hayes Theatre Co., Friday September 23 until Sunday October 16.