Residents of the Austrian village Fucking will replace their iconic name with a new one after having enough of the jokes, thanks very much. 

As per The Guardian, the citizens of Fucking have finally had enough. Years of ridicule and unwanted tourists has become too much to bear.

Even though the name historically dates back to the 11th century, the village will now change it to the softer Fugging.

Minutes from a municipal council meeting published on Thursday showed that the village will be known as Fugging from January 1st, 2021.

Considering the village only has like 100 people and it’s 350km from the capital Vienna, we doubt that any tourists will ever venture there again. A shame, really.

We get it though. Imagine you live in Fucking and a stranger called you by that name and you had no clue if they were being seriously rude or just noting where you were from. Tough times.

Until its name change, The Village Formerly Known As Fucking belonged in the pantheom of weird and interesting place names from around the world. It was up there with the idyllic French paradise of Anus, Denmark’s Middelfart, and the Scottish village of Dull. Legend has it that the law there states that you can only talk about how terrible the weather is and cafes can only sell brussel sprouts and lettuce with coffee.

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“I can confirm that the village is being renamed,” said Andrea Holzner, the mayor of Tarsdorf, the municipality to which the village belongs.

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