Just two weeks after infamous artist Banksy made history by setting a piece of their work to shred itself as soon as it was sold in auction, a new video shows what was meant to happen at the auction. The video posted to the artist’s site takes us behind the scenes in the lead-up to the stunt.

Watch: Shredding the Girl and Balloon – The Director’s half cut


The video also reveals the original plan was for the entire piece to be shredded, “In rehearsals it worked everytime”, the video says before showing rehearsal footage of a print being fully shredded. The shredder was reportedly installed in the frame years ago, in case the piece ever went up for auction.

Footage of the auction shows someone pressing a button activating the shredder as soon as the winning £860,000 (AU$1.6 million) bid was made. The reaction from the crowd that follows is one of absolute bewilderment and shock.

The piece has been renamed Love Is In The Bin and is said to have become even more valuable since the shredding. The buyer has decided to move forward with the purchase of the piece, which now holds a place in history as the first piece of art created during auction.

Check out a trailer Banksy’s theme park Dismaland below.

Watch: Banksy – Dismaland trailer

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