A recent Tweet about living in Gotham for cheap rent has spawned some of the best Twitter memes and we collected them here for you.

The Tweet in question came from @hellfiresbyers and we must thank them because the reactions were too much. The question that was asked was a proposition asking people just how bad of conditions would they accept for cheap, affordable rents. Add the Batman universe on top of that scenario and chaos began to unfold in the comment section.

The original Tweet was short but simple, prompting a plethora of answers.

“If rent in Gotham was 300 a month for a 3 bedroom would u move there?”


One trade-off for the cheap rent is that Batman is always waiting for you to slip up and beat your ass.

He said maybe it’s a marketing issue.

“Me at the batcave security camera after Bane threw my car off of a bridge:”

“When I go into my kitchen and see a green question mark on my fridge”

Also, never lock your keys in your car while living in Gotham. The rent actually might be offset by the medical bills.

“renter insurance gone be out the ass cause you gotta worry about batman throwing a mf through the living room window every other week”

“imagine u getting ready for bed and Joker blowing shit up on a Wednesday night”

“Me after connecting to my neighbors wifi without their knowledge”


“Fuck no, I smoke pot. I’ll be thinking I’m scoring some good pot and end up with a broken back, bleeding out in an alley because some militarized rich dude and his child soldiers refuses to get therapy”


Joker needs to go.

“Me at brunch knowing my rent only $300”


What I’m getting from these videos is Batman is everywhere all the time and he WILL f*ck you up.

Not something you wanna see when he just killed three people last week.


“When you’re trying to sleep in Gotham and the Bat signal comes on”

“When Killer Croc pops outta no where on the train ripping n***as to shreds while I’m on my way from work”

“me watching batman beat up an old lady for going 3 above the speed limit”

Me when Joker holding me off Gotham Bridge cuz I tweeted I seen the Batman


“Batman when he saves my ass but smells weed on me”

“Try Batman, but don’t try me.”

“After I open an Amazon package with a green “?” on it”

“Me after my joint gets laced with scarecrows fear toxin”

“Batman when he finds out I’ve been ignoring calls about my my student loans.”

“Me tryna convince Batman to end Joker so I can get up to my apartment”

“The Riddler after I Google the answer to his question instead of waiting for Batman to save me:”

“When poison ivy tries to get me to buy her a drink at the bar in Gotham”


“me trying to work while the riddler floods the city”

“me when Riddler interrupts my shows to do his 5th “riddle me this” broadcast of the week”


“Me and my friends watching Batman raw dog Catwoman on the next rooftop over”

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