Below Deck star Chef Rachel has posted private texts between herself and a producer on social media, and slammed the popular reality show saying she “will no longer be associated with organizations” she doesn’t “believe in”.

The public spat started when Rachel posted an article about Austen Kroll, who stars on the Bravo show Southern Charm, and called him a “narcissistic twat”.

It appears as though some from the Bravo PR team reached out to Rachel and asked her to remove the post, as both Below Deck and Southern Charm are Bravo TV shows. However, Rachel didn’t take kindly to the request, and instead of removing the post from her Twitter, she published the text conversation between her and the publicist.

“I don’t sit down I stand up…. I’m tired of the BS… I refuse to participate in @BravoCon2022 #BelowDeck Done with the bullies in tv,” she captioned the screenshots. Bravocon is a three-day celebration of the reality TV network and features multiple reality stars from their shows.

The texts that Rachel posted allege that she met up with Kroll when he was in Florida and that he “didn’t like the fact” that she doesn’t party and called him a “drunk cokehead”. The reality star noticeably didn’t blur our the publicist’s phone number in the screenshots.

Rachel followed the explosive post up with a tweet that simply read, “Ps…. Fuck below deck”. And, her tirade didn’t stop there. The established chef posted two more tweets about Below Deck, with one reading: “Next should we talk about breaking the 4th wall on the show?” The other tweet reads, “I will no longer be accociated with organizations I don’t believe in.. #belowdeck #bravoco #wwhl #ANTM anyone else wants to piss me off this week? Let’s fucking go…”.

Rachel appeared on seasons eight and nine of Below Deck as the chef. While her food was consistently praised by the charter guests, storylines often centred around her explosive temper.

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