Chris Lilley’s new series Lunatics has been a hit all around the world, ever since it hit our Netflix screens back in April.

Despite being at times, well, stupid, the series has had its fair share of funny moments. Alas, here are some of the best moments on Lunatics.

Gavin McGregor

This irritating bogan of all bogans, 12-[but almost 13]-year-old lad from Australia gets exposed to royal living right before he turns 13. Gavin is in the royal town of Gayhurst, preparing for his life as the future Earl of Gayhurst. He forms a sweet friendship with his royal family’s child Dylan, and the pair get up to all kinds of mischief.

Check out Gavin McGregor’s Lunatics highlights:–2JLh8

Becky Douglas

Becky’s a very special teenaged Australian girl, who, with her sister starts at an American college. She’s got extremely long legs, which result in her being a mighty seven feet tall, ending in all kinds of disasters. Becky crushes on a fellow student named Lingers, who eventually breaks her heart.

Watch some WTF?! moments from Becky Douglas:

Quentin Cook/DJ Qunt

Quentin is the first of his kind, the first “real estate DJ,” who performs under the alias DJ Qunt [I’ll leave you to guess how that’s pronounced.]

Quentin, his brothers, and all the males in their family are known for their not-so-slightly large back-ends. Quentin is pretty crap at is job, and as a result, he seeks other income streams. He conceives the DJ Qunt concept, and has a terrible failure of a debut show.

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Check out DJ Qunt’s track ‘Saturdays’:

Keith Dick

Keith Dick is a retail mogul, who takes over a fashion store. Dick rejuvenates the store and attempts to get in touch with youngsters in the area. Many a mishap are had throughout the series, with Dick falling back in love with his, um, cash register, Karen. Dick’s wife Patika attempts to adjust his human-cash register intercourse through therapy, which doesn’t work. In a bizarre twist, the series ends in Dick marrying Karen.

Check out Keith Dick’s highlights:

Jana Melhoopen-Jonks

Jana is the pet psychic to the stars! The South-African character provides psychic evaluations to all kinds of pets, from domestics cats and dogs, to reptiles, and even aardvarks. Her personal assistant Kylie lives at her property, where Jana falls in love with her.

Kylie’s boyfriend and soon-to-be husband moved in, and Jana became extremely jealous. So, Jana took matters into her own hands and imseminated herself, in the hopes that she and Kylie could raise a child together. On a safari to find Jana’s long-lost pet aardvark Natasha, she confesses her love for Kylie, and Kylie subsequently rejected her, leaving her to find a new personal assistant.

Here are Jana’s best moments:

Joyce Jeffries

Joyce is a former Australian porn-star, with a major hoarding problem. A years-long apparent relationship has her co-characters confused as to who the man is. She calls for him each day, and in the final episode he shows up, to support her through a housing eviction.

Here are Joyce Jeffries’ best moments on Lunatics:

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