Admittedly, this story has very little to do with Sydney, so here’s a photo of Nikki Webster’s abandoned dance studio on Parramatta Road, to up the local quota.

Nikki Webster

Great. Now, an Associated Bank billboard promoting both the Green Bay Packers and the bank’s thrilling new checking program was cleverly fitted with a fog machine to make it look like the NFL and responsible banking are two things that are, unquestionably ON FIRE.

Only a lot of people spied the billboards from afar — easily the most common way billboards are viewed — and the fog pouring and spreading from this billboards sure looked an awful look like an actual factual literal fire instead of the metaphorical fire they were referencing.

The Green Bay Press-Gazette reports “dozens of calls” to 911 that follow the same general “there’s a massive fire” theme.

The local police seem uncharacteristically chill about it all, considering they are officers with guns they are legally allow to unload into a fellow human.

“They’re well within their means with the local ordinances and what local laws allow on these billboards,” says Captain Dan Sandberg of the Brown County Sheriff’s Department.

“It’s probably something with technology advances that it’s probably something you’ll see more in the future, now that they have a system that works that way.”

The bank won’t be removing the boards either, so stressed 911 operators will have months of this to look forward to.

Back to you, Nikki.

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