Some of Australia’s leading music professionals will be joining the panel at the Bondi Wave Music Industry Conference this year.

The conference allows anyone and everyone involved in the music industry to come along, have their questions answered by experts, network and have a drink or two.

This year’s panel will include Greg Carey, co-director of Umbrella, Pam Thornback, marketing and promotions director at Inertia, triple j’s Dom Alessio, Dan Mac of Art vs Science, Philip Mortlock from Alberts and ORiGIN, writer and producer Jean-Paul Fung, general manager of Laneway Festival Katie Stewart, Dean Ormston from APRA and Lynne Small from PPCA, ARIA and the Australian Copyright Council.

These publishers, promoters, artists, producers, and managers will talk about what they do, how they got there, and how you can get there too.

The 2015 Bondi Wave Music Industry Conference will take place at the High Tide Room of Bondi Pavilion on Friday May 15 from 10am-4pm. Entry is free!

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