Laura Bryne and Brittany Hockley’s podcast is allegedly deleting comments bringing up Hockley’s slut-shaming comments.
Well, this is definitely not a nice look for Laura Bryne and Brittany Hockley. As reported by So Dramatic!, Bryne and Hockley’s podcast has been caught deleting comments by fans trying to bring up Abbie Chatfield or Hockley’s slut-shaming comments about her.
According to a fan of the podcast who wrote to So Dramatic!: “Any comments asking about the Abbie slut-shaming are deleted instantly like they don’t exist.” The fan also added being ‘heavily uncomfortable that a brand based on women, love and sexual empowerment can be so casual about sweeping this all under the rug’.
The fan then went on to add: “Brit’s PR-scripted apology isn’t really vibing with me. If you were actually sorry you would leave the comments up and apologise to them.”
“I feel bad for Laura but if she’s condoning all this and is happy deleting every opposing comment then she is part of the problem too. Makes me sad because I was a huge fan of both of them!” the fan said.
Other fans also reported that the podcast had also turned on the admin approval feature for posts in a private group about the show – meaning that any posts by members would have to be approved by Bryne or Hockley. This, the fan claimed to So Dramatic!, was done shortly after the slut-shaming comment debacle, despite the podcast claiming that they don’t have the ‘manpower’ to approve or delete comments for years.
“Just FYI, Life Uncut Facebook group are now censoring posts. They’ve turned on approval of posts meaning Britt and Laura can approve or deny the posts,” a listener of the podcast told the publication.
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“There has never been admin approval in that group. Ever. it’s famously not a thing in Life Uncut. They have always said they don’t have the manpower for admin approval.” they added, referencing a post made in the group earlier this year, claiming that the team behind the podcast considered every member capable of having ‘mature and reasonable discussions’.
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