Glory Be, Sounds Divine is the title of this year’s one-woman show by Californian comedienne Cait Harris, whose quirky and fresh comic styling on unusual situations promises to leave audiences in tears.

Harris is a favourite storyteller at Sydney’s Story Club nights in Redfern. She is also a writer for The Sturgeon General Presents. Last year Harris wrote and directed a sell-out show Siberian Hot Toddy as part of the Bondi Feast, which touched on topics of slave labour and the treatment of women, butstill left everyone in stitches.

Join her characters, the big-hearted Bambina Borracha, binge-drinking Kaz and Melburnian narcissist Joyce Jeremy in this hilarious explorationof love, sex, dating, and why lust can really help to overcome disgust.

Harris will be performing at the Factory Theatre as part of the Sydney Fringe on Thursday September 11 – Sunday September 14.

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