Cara Delevingne donated her orgasm to science in an effort to help raise knowledge about the female climax.

The six-part BBC docuseries Planet Sex With Cara Delevingne follows the model as she donates her orgasm while at a hospital in Germany. Researchers then study her blood before and after the climax to understand the body’s chemistry.

“I’m here to have an orgasm and donate it to science. I think female sexual desire has definitely been repressed,” she said on camera.

Delevingne added, “I know from my own love life just how sexual women can be, so you’d think in the 21st century men and women should be having equally satisfying sex lives, right?”

In the same episode, the Suicide Squad actress attends a masturbation seminar.

“When it comes to the orgasm, there is a definite gender gap. Scientists say that 95 per cent of straight men orgasm during intercourse but only 65 per cent of straight women do,” she says while there.

“To be honest, I think that sounds way too high; most of my straight female friends say it’s probably more like 15 or 20 per cent. Lesbians and queer women definitely seem to have it better.”

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Planet Sex With Cara Delevingne premieres in the UK on December 1st, 2022 and is expected to premiere in Australia next year.

Delevingne sparked concern from fans earlier this year when a video of her acting erratic outside an American airport went viral. In the clip, the model can be stumbling around barefoot, before tripping while trying to get into a car. Cara can also be seen puffing on a cigarette and playing with a dog while sitting on the side of the road. She can also be seen spinning around multiple times and fidgeting.

Additional footage showed Delevingne hanging her legs out of the window of a black SUV as she left the airport.

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