Chelsea Peretti, who plays the beloved and iconic Gina Linetti on Brooklyn Nine-Nine has announced she will be leaving the show as a full-time cast member.
Peretti took to Twitter to break the most terrible news of the 21st century. “B99 fans. Hiiiiiiiiiiii. Chelsea Peretti, here. I won’t be doing a full season of Brooklyn Nine Nine in Season 6. But that doesn’t mean I won’t ever be back, winky face emoji, heart emoji.”
confident, idiotic-but-smart, pithy, and infused with rhythm and cell-phone radiation. ❤️💯It is hard for me to know exactly what to say. Perhaps Emmy Rossum said it best when she wrote about Shameless (I bolded the extra relevant parts in her quote below):
— Chelsea Peretti (@chelseaperetti) October 3, 2018
Peretti also reiterated the statement released by Emily Rossum when she announced her decision to leave ‘Shameless’.
Producer Dan Goor has issued a statement regarding Peretti’s departure. “We have tried really hard to create a storyline for her departure that lives up to a character who can only be described as “the human embodiment of the 100 emoji,” he continued “While it’s sad to see a member of the family leave, we are so proud of Chelsea and excited for what she does next.”
Why is it that everything Brooklyn Nine-Nine does is so perfect and wholesome? We’ll never know.