Have you ever found yourself craving a nice boiled egg (maybe even an omelet if you’re feelin’ particularly like a contestant of Masterchef that day), wandering up to your local shops, and stopping dead in your tracks at the terrifying sight that is the EGG SHELF (example pictured below, the man represents frustrated you).
Many things are probably going through your overwhelmed mind right now, but at the top of your list is most definitely how environmentally friendly these eggs are (GO YOU! You little woke enviro-warrior! I am so proud!).
To make your life just that little bit easier, the consumer group CHOICE has created the app CluckAR. The augmented reality app lets you scan the egg cartons at your local shops, and tells you whether of not the chickens are free range, and if so, how good their free range claims are.
As the app explains:
“Not everything labeled ‘free range’ meets consumer expectations or the voluntary Model Code. So run the CHOICE Free Range Test and find out what’s fair dinkum… With no national standard for free range eggs, consumers are being sold eggs under the free range label that do not meet a common sense definition of free range…”
The Model Code of Practice for the Welfare of Animals: Domestic Poultry (the Model Code) states that all free range eggs should be produced by chickens that have access to the outdoors during daylight for a minimum of eight hours a day, shaded areas and shelter from the rain, and that there is a maximum of 1,500 chickens per hectare. Although this code exists, there are wide variations of how it has been interpreted, with some stocking densities greater than 20,000 chickens per hectare.
Although paying more for eggs labeled ‘free range’, consumers still have no guarantee that they are getting higher standards for the money they are spending. And what better way to combat this issue that with cartoon augmented reality chickens and hen puns!?
All chicken jokes aside, don’t stay cooped up inside and go test out CluckAR for free!
Watch how to use CluckAR here: