Controversial ‘mummy blogger’ Constance Hall has rejected help from fans who tried to collect money for her via a GoFundMe after she lost thousands of dollars in a scam.

Hall paid four weeks’ rent to a real estate agent via an email link for a rental property in the Perth suburb of Nedlands.

“I was clearing out my savings account and part of last week’s wage, that’s a big hit for the school holidays,” Hall wrote on Instagram.

The email link was intercepted by a hacker and Hall lost thousands of dollars.

“The last two emails that I had received on the same email thread weren’t actually from them, it was hackers,” Hall explained, adding: “The bank account details weren’t really theirs and the house was never approved.”

After hearing of Hall’s misfortune, her fans rallied together and started a GoFundMe to help her recoup the money. However, when Hall heard about her follower’s generosity she politely declined.

“You guys are so sweet but please don’t do anything like that- really I meant it when I said I do so well and your kind gestures will go further on yourselves or to people actually in need,” she wrote to her fans.

“I will recover from this really soon and it all happens for a reason I’m sure something amazing is around the corner. I love you warm hearts xx.”

Regardless of Hall’s good intentions to reject help from her followers, some of them have refused to take no for an answer.

“There’s nothing wrong with taking a little help when people want to give it. Don’t be too proud,” wrote one fan.

“It would be great if you or your team started one. All the women you’ve inspired would love to inspire you back and help make you fresh again so you can keep on doing what you do so wonderfully!” Wrote another.

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