One half of incredible production duo Darkside, Dave Harrington, has announced he’s branching out with a new solo EP. Set for release on May 19, Harrington follows in the footsteps of fellow Darkside producer Nico Jaar – whose renowned solo work has earned him a lot of acclaim.

TitledBefore This There Was One Heart But A Thousand Thoughts, the EP will be released on Jaar’s record label Other People, and will contain two massively long and complicated tracks.

Judging by previous Darkside releases, the EP is set to be an experimental masterpiece, showcasing a fusion of ambient beats, twangy guitars and futuristic sounds.


1) One-All // A Thousand Times//Multiple And Mirror

2) Flash // All-One

Dave Harrington’s solo EP titledBefore This There Was One Heart But A Thousand Thoughts, will be released on CD and online on May 19. You can catch Darkside at Splendour In The Grass 2014.

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