Domenica Calarco has threatened legal action on her MAFS co-stars after they claimed she was ‘verbally abusive’ on set.

The feud between Domenica Calarco and her fellow MAFS co-stars is showing no signs of simmering down. After some MAFS cast members claimed that Calarco was ‘verbally abusive’ on set towards them, Calarco has hit back and threatened legal action against them if they don’t stop. 

Calarco took to Instagram on Thursday to present her side of the story. Talking to the people who had ‘blocked’ her – allegedly her co-stars – she said: “Stop calling me violent, stop calling me abusive. Because if you keep doing that, you’ll be getting a fucking cease and desist in your inbox.”

Calarco’s rant comes shortly after MAFS star Jessica Seracino claimed on Instagram that the former ‘verbally abused and bullied her from the second I arrived on that show.’ Seracino also claimed that scenes of Calarco screaming at her at the MAFS reunion were not aired, and that Calarco had ‘yelled abuse’ at her while she ‘crying’ to the psychologist. 

Shortly after Seracino’s stories, Calarco responded on Tiktok and refuted the claims. “I would never scream at a person or abuse them when they’re crying and talking to the psychologist. I am sitting here shaking with rage right now and, like, sweating because of [the] pure lies of this, like… oh, my god.” 

Calarco then claimed that she didn’t expect any of the other cast members to defend her: “But of course everyone who was there is going to say that I did this because they all hate me for some fucking reason.” 

Recently, Calarco’s co-stars made no secret of how they felt about her new series, Dom’s Debrief, where she calls up former MAFS cast members to see what they’re up to. 

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“The number you have called has been disconnected please check the number and try again,” wrote Jackson. 

Also commenting on the post was Caroline: “Your number is blocked hon oops, devo that I missed it. Chatting to you would be like a dream of mine.” 

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