Labor, the Greens, and Nick Xenophon Team came together to swat down a Senate proposal that called for the mandatory drug testing of Centrelink recipients on Newstart and Youth Allowance.
The proposed trial was slated to begin next month in three lucky locations, and last for a period of two years.
Under the scheme, anyone who tested positive for weed, ecstasy or ice would have had their payments reduced and placed on a cashless debit card – most of which aren’t currently accepted by your local friendly drug dealer.
Back in 2013, a Government-funded report from the Australian National Council on Drugs was fairly definitive on their stance: this is a terrible idea.
“There is no evidence that drug testing welfare beneficiaries will have any positive effects for those individuals or for society, and some evidence indicating such a practice could have high social and economic costs,” the report states.
“In addition, there would be serious ethical and legal problems in implementing such a program in Australia. Drug testing of welfare beneficiaries ought not be considered.”
Hopefully, this is the last we will hear of this madness.